Kitsch fashion
What is the definition of Kitsch fashion? I don’t know exactly. But I can make my own definition. I want to say that Kitsch fashion is an imagining fashion. We imagine fun fashion. Also we escaped a traditional fashion (daily clothes) through kitsch fashion. Some people might think kitsch fashion is strangest fashion ever. Also some people said Kitsch fashion is an anti-fashion. Hippy look and punk look were based on kitsch fashion. Tradition fashion seems too boring sometimes. If you want to wear something, think out of box and then try on something you want.
It is easy to try on kitsch fashion.
Kitsch fashion doesn’t have to be matching the color.
Kitsch fashion doesn’t have to be suit for you.
Kitsch fashion doesn’t have to be looking nice.
It is fun to try on!!
Fashion make you smile.
Fashion make you smile.